Oceanhorn. It focuses on an unnamed boy protagonist s quest to find his lost father and defeat the living fortress oceanhorn. Monster of uncharted seas is an action adventure rpg developed by cornfox brothers and published by fdg entertainment focused on an unnamed boy protagonist s quest to find his lost father and defeat oceanhorn the living fortress.
Cornfox january 4 2021. Chronos dungeon has all the hallmarks of another top tier roguelike dungeon crawler. Monster of uncharted seas combines captivating storytelling breathtaking 3d visuals and exciting gameplay into one epic action adventure experience.
It focuses on an unnamed boy protagonist s quest to find his lost father and defeat the living fortress oceanhorn.
Chronos dungeon is a side scrolling adventure for up to four players in local co op. Chronos dungeon is a bit of a detour for the franchise. Monster of uncharted seas is an action adventure video game developed by finnish studio cornfox bros. The genre s popularity has exploded in recent times and many of its best titles have made the move to mobile meaning that the bar is now higher than ever before.