Uncharted 1 Monsters. Nathan finds lazarevic under the tree of life drinking from a large sap pool becoming nearly invincible as his scars and wounds heal. The first ps3 project from industry veteran naughty dog creators of crash bandicoot and jak daxter.
Spaniards nazis eddy raja s pirates atoq navarro s mercenaries nathan drake elena fisher. The explosions also injure the tree of life causing a long earthquake to start. The first ps3 project from industry veteran naughty dog creators of crash bandicoot and jak daxter.
The first ps3 project from industry veteran naughty dog creators of crash bandicoot and jak daxter.
As their name implies they are the descendants of the spanish colonists who took the treasure of el dorado from the amazon. The first ps3 project from industry veteran naughty dog creators of crash bandicoot and jak daxter. Why are there monsters zombie s or what ever those things are in uncharted. The uncharted series created by video game developer naughty dog with two titles developed by sce bend studio features many characters.